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Conservation and protection of grassland fungi

Research conducted at BEAA has made a significant contribution to the conservation of grassland fungi (notably waxcap fungi) through changes to policy decisions as they related to fungal conservation, including the provision of specialist advice that has led to the notification of two SSSIs (sites of special scientific interest) and to changes in SSSI notification guidelines.   BEAA research has also enhanced public understanding and awareness of fungal conservation through ‘citizen science’ activities, public lectures, radio programmes, film productions such as Disneynature’s Chimpanzee, as well as articles in newspapers and widely-read magazines.  These wider achievements are based on underpinning science to address survey methodologies, taxonomic issues and the elucidation of the basic biology of grassland fungi, all of which are essential for effective conservation strategies.

For more information contact Dr Gareth Griffith (, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth University.

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